The plant material in your yard was selected from the finest local nurseries; they have been well cared for, fertilized, pruned, watered and given the proper amount of sunlight. Your new landscape has been given a great start, with a few simple steps you can make it flourish!
The process of transporting and planting can be traumatic; it is not uncommon to notice a slight decline in the look of a plant shortly after installation. New growth should appear in 2 to 3 weeks.
To aid in plant establishment, they have been planted shortly after pickup from the nursery, in large scarified holes, with peat moss added for nourishment.
All plant material has been well watered at time of planting, at this stage water is the most important factor in the plants well being. Over watering is just as harmful as not watering enough. More water is required for the first 2 to3 weeks after installation, than when the plants are established. Check a variety of spots in the garden, at least 2 inches down, to see if water is truly required. The top layer of soil tends to dry out far more quickly than the areas where roots are establishing especially if your garden beds are not mulched. When watering is required, a long steady application is far more beneficial than a short heavy one. Water applied quickly will ‘run’ over or through the roots, giving no benefit to the plants and wasting YOUR water .
The roots of your plants have been loosened before planting as they become bound in the pot and to aid in their spread and growth. Two to three weeks after planting the roots will have become established and new ‘fine’ water absorbing roots will have emerged, reducing the amount of water needed.
No fertilizer or other additives are required or recommended for at least the first year after installation. A well cared for, healthy plant in a good location should rarely require additional fertilizer or additives.
Trees are staked using metal or wooden stakes, galvanized wire and a protective rubber hosing. It is advisable to leave trees staked for 2 full growing seasons to ensure root development and stability. Check wire yearly to make sure the tree is not being strangled.